Charles Dickens...

Charles Dickens was born on 7th February 1812 and died on 9th June 1870. He was an English writer. He was responsible for the greatest novels in the Victorian period and also for the English literature’s most important novels and characters. He was already famous and popular during his lifetime and he still is today such as his stories that are continuously printed.

He had a good childhood but he was not a spoiled boy. He was a very good reader and also had a photographic memory. But this period didn’t last long, because his family had financial difficulties and his father went to prison. So Charles left school and worked ten hours a day. These times contributed to his writing of novels and also made him interested in social economic and laboural conditions. He also believed that life was unfair for those who were born poor.

He wrote his major novels in weekly or monthly journals. These stories were cheap and accessible, people anticipated for more, so their opinion was really important in how many stories developed. He also mixed fantasy and reality, so his novels are not easily forgotten.

He had a florid and poetic writing style and his satires to British aristocratic snobbery were popular and he compared orphans to stocks and shares, people to boats and dinner party guests to furniture. He shocked the readers with his fierce critic of poverty of the Victorian society and he was actually also responsible for making London better. These highly sentimental scenes contrasted with the ugly social truth. His style was copied by many other writers.

To Dickens the plot of the stories weren’t just devices but an index of the humanism that led him to believe that good wins out in the end in unexpected ways.

His best known works are Great Expectations - David Copperfield - Oliver Twist - A Tale of Two Cities - Bleak House - Nicholas Nickleby - The Pickwick Paper - A Christmas Carol.

Texto - Mafalda Gomes - 10.º D
 Ilustração - Beatriz Matos - 9.º B

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